Welcome To NHS

The NHS Long Term Plan set out a vision of a health and care system focused on prevention and early intervention, with the NHS and local government working in collaboration and using population health insight to understand need and plan services together.

This integrated approach to care relies on intelligence-led population health management - based on a deep understanding of population cohorts - which improves the description and prediction of needs, activities and priorities to implement appropriate care pathways. Population segmentation is a core capability to successfully adopting population health management.

Data Source

For the full list of data sources that feed into the Segmentation Engine to derive the Segmentation Dataset and for more information please visit the ‘About’ page.

The data is refreshed quarterly and the current views show data as at 30/06/21.


If you have any data or policy related queries, or feedback related to this dashboard, please contact the team on Curator@Interworks.com

Dashboard Group Highlight